Why Leaders Need Self-Care
A greater need for focusing on effective employee wellbeing, as part of Corporate Wellness, has undeniably grown now. However, there is an equally strong and urgent case for business leaders to focus on their self-care, too, building on their Wellness quotient along with those of the people who work for them. Here […]
Exercising With Arthritis
What Is Arthritis? Arthritis is a joint disorder causing inflammation and pain of joints. There can be swelling and tenderness in one or more joints of the body. A joint is part of the body where two or more bones meet. Joints hold the skeleton together, and their function is to support […]
Social Media & Decision-Making For Wellness
Social Media is one of the most potent and powerful media connecting people across geographical boundaries and timelines. It allows us to consume colossal amounts of information on just about any conceivable topic in multiple formats. Entertainment, education, news, arts & sciences… information pertaining to any field is available 24/7. […]
Challenges for Youth – How adults can help
10 big reasons parents and coaches should read this NOW. Guiding and coaching youth for their physical, mental and emotional needs requires an approach different from treating them as miniature adults. Here’s what you need to remember to stay on top of things and up your game, while upping theirs, […]
When convenience and fashion cause pain
When convenience and fashion cause pain, there are ways of addressing it. This is the age of smart devices and high fashion. We walk around cradling the digital version of the world in our palms, looking dapper in heels and tight fitting shoes that defy gravity and physics. This digital […]
Stability, Mobility, Flexibility – Getting it right
While the act of moving may seem simple enough, there is more than one factor at play, determining the quality of our movements As human beings, nature designed us to move. Power, agility and suppleness vary not just amongst different people, but also among various body parts. This is where […]
Some easy to perform stretches post workout
After a workout a stretch feels good to release tension from taut muscles. Here are some easy to perform stretches. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds or more, to relax muscles and increase mobility Neck To stretch the neck gently tilt head to one side (bringing ear close to shoulder […]
Could Emotional Patterns Make Us More Susceptible To Cancer?
There is a lot of research, clinical data and statistics related to cancer – types, causes, and treatments – available to anyone interested in looking them up. There are, of course, the usual suspects /causes of cancer (more on that later). But there could be a case made out to […]
Poor Posture Alert! These habits could be ruining your posture.
Poor posture doesn’t just affect us negatively physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Most of us go through our daily actions unaware of our posture – sitting, standing, walking, or sleeping. Recurring aches, pains and niggles are a constant source of discomfort. Poor posture doesn’t just affect us negatively physically, […]
Do most Corporate Wellness Programs actually work?
Corporate wellness programs are fast becoming part of an organization’s stated practice to keep employees at their optimum performance levels. Designed correctly, they can help in another critical area – to reduce costs incurred due to absences, low productivity, attrition etc. But are these programs really effective in giving results that […]