YOGA – A journey within
And that’s the beauty and universal appeal of Yoga. It is not dictated by parameters, performance and display. Yoga centers within to quietly awaken, strengthen and unleash the bond between body and mind in the most primal and complex manner simultaneously. It’s about an intense journey, a continuous learning, a way of life, not acrobatic goals.
It demands immense focus to get the body to yield. It flows and holds static much like life itself. Every movement has meaning. It never leaves the practitioner untouched. While some modern programs are only now realizing the importance of cuing and breathing, Yoga stems from the breath cycle and the breath cues the flow. It’s subliminal effects are not by accident. It cleanses the body and soul while at the same time imparting muscular strength some acrobats could only dream of.
Approach Yoga as a life lesson and it will not disappoint you. Approach it as a fitness tool, it will challenge you. Approach it casually, it will humble you.
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