Top 5 Weight Management Woes Of Corporates
Over the years, my Corporate Wellness experience addressing health challenges faced by employees has consistently thrown “Weight Loss & Management” as one of the dominant concerns. It continues to be a pressing issue with the new normal of work-from-home.
Given the prevalence of weight woes across all levels of management and employees, I thought it might be interesting to share 5 questions (in no particular order) which often come my way from different Corporate clients, indicating their general to specific nature. My replies here are very brief. Client programming and delivery, of course, is in-depth and offers practice vs intervention-based solutions that can be adopted more willingly and practically within the life-work framework.
#1. What is better to lose weight – dieting or exercising? Any ratio?
This has several attendant key points and attitudes that I feel need collective addressing and a resetting of perspective. However, to answer briefly, I always recommend both for a number of evidence-based, valid reasons correlating with better success rates, long term health gains, lifestyle adherence, and smarter living. Between the two, the diet occupies a bigger space in the basket.
The general ratio could be considered 75:25.
As I keep pointing out in my Corporate sessions, you can’t out-exercise a regular bad diet. Do the math. I also like to point out that purely watching calories isn’t always a smarter, shorter, or happier alternative.
#2. How to reduce belly fat?
Ah! A bane for many. An honest assessment of one’s eating, drinking and activity/exercise plan is, of course, mandatory.
It needs intelligent exercise design targeting overall body fat % (along with weight), and problem areas that tend to accumulate fat (I am not talking spot reduction!).
Additionally, I have often observed that a lack of exercising form sabotaging results, especially for those who exercise regularly.
#3. How should I address my diet and exercise when working shifts?
This requires fore planning meals, rest, and exercise. It also needs designing appropriate workouts and designating time for them so as to energize and not further tire the body. Erratic sleeping can create stress (and weight gain!).
Working shifts interferes with the body’s natural circadian rhythm. So, the approach will have to be specific and mindful of this.
#4. Is Intermittent Fasting good for weight loss? Can I exercise while fasting?
Intermittent fasting is effective but needs more than a casual or superficial approach.
There are different ways of doing it and one must select an appropriate pattern for self which is safe and sensible, and ease into it. This is even more urgent if one has pre-existing health conditions.
Exercising while fasting is possible, and needs individual planning basis one’s coping and response, which I explain in detail in my sessions along with how one can plan (intermittent) fasting.
#5. I’m facing trouble losing weight with PCOD/PCOS. What should I do?
A challenge faced by many women. Hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, inflammation, treatments, and medication have also to be kept in mind to patiently address weight gain brought on by PCOD/PCOS.
Understanding underlying causes and the body’s response leads to lesser frustration, better adherence, and greater success with weight loss.
Clearly, Weight Management is a vast topic and cannot be addressed by a one-size-fits-all blanket program with standard focus. Time to check the Weight of your Corporate Wellness Plans (pun intended!)
About Vani Pahwa
Vani B. Pahwa is Health & Wellness Evangelist, and Founder, Body In Motion, who specializes in Functional-Fitness, and Cancer Exercise & Rehabilitation. With almost 2 decades of experience, and certifications from leading internationally-accredited and globally-recognized fitness institutions, Vani is the leading Wellness Expert for Multinational Corporations and is a recognized Speaker and Coach. An Indian Classical Dancer, Vani encompasses her learnings from dance to everyday movement making “exercise and training for life, not just events.” To know more about Vani and her premium wellness services, visit
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