The “F” Word
This got your interest, didn’t it?
So let’s begin by doing justice to your interpretation first. Let’s face it. Given the world we live in, the daily drama that plays out and the fact that something or someone does manage to needle us despite our best intentions of isolating ourselves, we are all guilty of giving vent either publicly or under our breath. It could range from a hissy eye roll, clenched teeth, tightly pursed lips, disgusted shake of the head, to a more soul satisfying swear. You simply can’t deny the relief swearing provides sometimes.
This “F” word (the one I bet you thought this is about) has indelibly made its way into our lives. If not in uttering it, then in listening to it being uttered. I have been privy to hearing it rendered as a full throttled song- just that one word, uttered in different scales, with notes of varying length – all in tandem with stomach curdling hurls and dips of a certain open ride in Disney! I can still recite it fairly accurately and burst out laughing. I never realized that such musical usage was a possibility. The 3 unknown youngsters with whom I shared my seating row were out of control with fear and excitement and made an impromptu boy band – blonde curls, blue eyes et al that sang to our ascent up to the clear sky and sudden, brutal hurl down to blurry earth.
But the “F” word I am referring to and that has been my friend, buffer and air bag, helping me cope with life in its various hues, is “Fitness”. My interpretation of it. I swear by it. It has helped me face whatever has been thrown my way, helped me rebound from setbacks and constantly helps keep me excited about possibilities.
Wait! Don’t go away yet with hackneyed, premature conclusions. Clearly I am not referring to just the structured formats, fitness classes, gym memberships, iron pounding drills, bulging biceps, petite derrières and shapely tummies that get conjured up the moment this “F” word-“Fitness” – is uttered. Neither am I talking about lifelong dietary deprivation. Alas! The banes of this “F” word and the inevitable connotations that follow.
I am talking about a differently “F”ed up life. Where ‘F’ is for life Fitness. Fitness as a lifestyle of choices, that is so doable and easy to adopt. Fitness as a measure of your mental and physical coping abilities. Fitness as a means to anger, frustration and stress management. Fitness as a tool to discipline yourself enough to be your own master. Fitness as a sought out choice in any avatar that keeps you excited and exciting. Something that makes you rise and stay above the pathetic orchestra of whiny capitulations of “I just can’t or won’t” to the happy concluding note of “Hey! I just did and will!” Of living life with a hop, skip and a jump. Not lifeless, clumsy shuffling.
Before you decide to judge this as another preachy post, know this. You have to dive into this “F”ness to know what I am talking about. You can’t look at it through a glass bottomed boat. Dive into it with the same stubbornness and irreverence as you dive into your drinks, comfort foods and lazy habits. It only reveals its wonders in its depths and leaves you charged and craving for more. You decide how deep and which sea. And please also know, those of us who utter this “F” word habitually and live it are NOT dry, deprived souls condemned to exist on the fringes of a fun filled life. At least not majority, if not all, of the folks I know! Most of us dig our cravings as much as the next person. The difference is, we do it a bit differently. We have so much fun playing around with this “F”ed up existence because it gives us way more choices. We are perhaps more at ease with our excesses or lapses because we have given ourselves the power to correct the imbalances and not just be cribbers or constant abstainers or pathological living calorie calculators. Quite the contrary.
I can’t tell you the countless times I have been subject to statements like, “It’s easy for you” (No. I am just more in control), “You must be lucky” (Let’s discuss this over a drink. Not a sports drink), “You just pretend to eat” (Duh! I DON’T need to pretend), “I believe in enjoying life”, (Hell, ya! So do I), “Oh! you are not eating this because you will put on weight?” (Ummm, maybe I don’t genuinely like the look or taste of it? I am entitled to my preferences too!) and “I can’t afford to spend so much time working out as you” (!! This one particularly irks me with the dismissive smugness of its delivery. Buddy, I have a varied and busy life as much as you, if not busier. It does not take forever to get fit. Does it cross your ill informed, judgmental mind that maybe I prioritize and do better time management than you and choose not to blow my trumpet about it?!). Random, senseless rantings of people looking for excuses or a meaningless conversation, I guess. Big deal. I’m back to “F”ing my life anyway. And invite you to make this the most “F”ed up phase of your life.
What I am saying is, “Come on. Get the party started. Experience this version of the “F” word. Time to truly get “F”ed up. Shake your lazy booty and get grooving. It’s “F”un!
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