Pain In The Neck!
There can be several causes of imbalances in the body leading to chronic pain. However you chose to look at it – top to bottom or bottom to top – any imabalance has a domino effect on the body causing trigger points.
One of the most common complaints is that of the neck and shoulder region. An improper alignment/posture of the neck can impact muscles and cause compensations even further away from the trouble spot. Likewise, incorrect gait & poor posture of the lower anatomy can easily impact the upper body negatively. This causes your body to work hard and fight against the strong invisible forces of gravity, creating increased strain and tension on your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints that work so hard to hold you upright. A simple but often overlooked cause of muscular imabalance and chronic pain is the forward tilt of the neck. Our modern day activities such as working on the computer, driving etc coupled with longer sedentary hours makes this a very prevalent problem. Postural correction exercises and emphasis on balancing out the work of major and minor muscle groups cannot be over emphasised. Creating a wholistic awareness of the stack of our supporting structures, that is our body, is vital to getting to the root of the problem(s) and not be limited to symptomatic relief.

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