Lots of questions pertaining to running
Bangalore Marathon Expo. Lots of questions pertaining to running β training, injuries, gait, foam rolling, stretching and performance improvement. Common observations across cities β many training for running by simply running; very little awareness of need for structured strength training and strengthening specifically for the demands of running; lack of a good stretching regimen & foam rolling (most donβt know what a foam roller is!); confusion about types of foot strikes (specially mid-foot strike)- fueled by exposure to such terms but no guidance and clarity (result β a confused gait and a confused mind); practically everybody thinks they are pronated and need special shoes; misconception about what shoes can and cannot do. If your foot and gait show deviations from neutral,it requires correction and focused training, and of course the correct type of running shoes suitable for you. Single most repeated advise β shoes run WITH you, not FOR you. The onus of running lies with you and your muscular control, irrespective of your foot type. Shoes exist for all types, but they cannot perform magic. Only you can β with proper training and form. Find a good trainer who understands the dynamics of running (seriously does) and who can help design a well structured training program to help you get where you want to β SAFELY and surely.
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